Resource Center
August 09, 2023
“I’ve Got Five On It” Series – Webinar 4: Dr. Farshid Safi | September 14th at 3 PM ET
In an ever-evolving educational landscape, the quest for effective teaching methods that truly engage students and foster deep understanding remains paramount. The upcoming webinar, “Unlocking Mathematical Potential: Empowering Equitable and Student-Centered Teaching,” led by Dr. Farshid Safi, promises to be a game-changer for educators seeking to transform their mathematics classrooms into thriving hubs of learning, […]
June 27, 2023
“I’ve Got Five On It” Series – Webinar 3: Lorena Germán | August 16th at 3 PM ET
Education is a powerful tool for fostering inclusivity, combating bias, and nurturing a fair society. The “I’ve Got Five On It” series by Open Up Resources, where 5 experts share 5 key takeaways over 5 webinars, offers openly accessible professional learning for teachers, sharing best practices and evidence-based strategies to foster equitable classrooms and enhance […]
June 01, 2023
HIVE: Then and Now
The HIVE conference by Open Up Resources has embarked on a transformative journey, paving the way for educators to connect, learn, and grow. Since its inception in 2019, the conference has evolved significantly, adapting to the ever-changing educational landscape.
May 22, 2023
Launching a New Curriculum: Creating a Culture of Discourse and Community
This is the third part of a multi-part series, which reflects on those tough first months learning a new curriculum.
May 08, 2023
Spotlighting Our Teachers of the Month for 2023
At Open Up Resources, we believe Teacher Appreciation Week is important because it recognizes and celebrates the critical role that teachers play in the education and development of students. It acknowledges the hard work, dedication, and impact that teachers have on shaping the future generation and their contributions to society—something we all should do each […]
May 07, 2023
“I’ve Got Five On It” Series – Webinar 2: José Luis Vilson | May 17th at 3 PM ET
Join us for our upcoming webinar, the 2nd in the “I’ve Got Five On It” series, featuring José Luis Vilson on May 17th at 3 PM ET. This webinar series, presented by Open Up Resources, aims to provide educators with valuable insights and takeaways from experts in the field of education.